Błędy - API

Kody błędów

Nasz interfejs API zwróci semantycznie poprawne kody odpowiedzi HTTP na podstawie powodzenia Twojego żądania. Poniższa tabela może służyć jako odniesienie do zwracanych kodów odpowiedzi.

Każdy błąd jest reprezentowany przez kod stanu HTTP, a także kod i komunikat odpowiedzi w rzeczywistej treści odpowiedzi.

Kody stanu HTTP

Jeśli kod stanu HTTP ma wiele przyczyn, użyj kodu błędu zwróconego przez interfejs API.

HTTP Oznaczający
200 Success
  • Missing or invalid argument
  • Endpoint not valid
  • Endpoint resource not valid
  • You cannot access this resource using %(request_method)s
  • You cannot access this resource using your %(access_type)s API key
  • This operation is not supported
  • Your API key is not valid on this domain
  • This application does not have enough privileges to access this resource
  • You have exceeded the rate limit for this resource
  • You have exceeded the rate limit for your account
  • The authenticated user does not have access to this feature
  • The authorization signature you passed was not valid
  • You must re-submit this request with a response to the captcha challenge
  • You do not have the appropriate permissions to access this resource
  • You have exceeded the maximum number of creations for this resource
401 You must be authenticated to perform this action
403 Invalid API key
404 A requested object was not found
408 Your request timed out
415 Invalid format
500 There was internal server error while processing your request
  • The API is currently undergoing maintenance, and your changes were saved, but will not be visible yet.
  • The API is currently undergoing maintenance, and your changes could not be saved.

Kody błędów

Poniższa tabela opisuje kody, które mogą pojawić się podczas pracy z API.

The YouRepo API attempts to return appropriate error codes for every request.

Jest jeden wyjątek od tych zasad:

  • Nieprawidłowe formaty zwrócą HTTP 415 z komunikatem o błędzie jako treścią odpowiedzi.
Kod Oznaczający
  • Success
  • Invalid format
1 Endpoint not valid
2 Missing or invalid argument
3 Endpoint resource not valid
4 You must be authenticated to perform this action
5 Invalid API key
7 You cannot access this resource using %(request_method)s
8 A requested object was not found
9 You cannot access this resource using your %(access_type)s API key
10 This operation is not supported
11 Your API key is not valid on this domain
12 This application does not have enough privileges to access this resource
13 You have exceeded the rate limit for this resource
14 You have exceeded the rate limit for your account
15 There was internal server error while processing your request
16 Your request timed out
17 The authenticated user does not have access to this feature
18 The authorization signature you passed was not valid
19 You must re-submit this request with a response to the captcha challenge
20 The API is currently undergoing maintenance, and your changes were saved, but will not be visible yet.
21 The API is currently undergoing maintenance, and your changes could not be saved.
22 You do not have the appropriate permissions to access this resource
24 You have exceeded the maximum number of creations for this resource