Starting your own Cydia Source has never been easier.
Limit access of your packages to certain devices.
Fully customizable with your own HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Sell your packages directly with Paypal, Stripe or CoinPayments.
Buy exclusive packages with Paypal safely.
Download exclusive packages only available on YouRepo.
Build your theme easily with our Theme Creator.
Compatible with all theme engines.
20 packages built
1 Go Storage
150 Mo Upload Limit
Unlimited Custom Sections
3 Sources Limit
100 UDIDs per Whitelist
Advertisements removed
Link your domain name
Convert your zip files to deb
Use our Theme Creator tool
5 Go Storage
200 Mo Upload Limit
Unlimited Custom Sections
5 Sources Limit
Unlimited UDIDs per Whitelist
Advertisements removed
Link your domain name
Convert your zip files to deb
Use our Theme Creator tool
10 Go Storage
200 Mo Upload Limit
Unlimited Custom Sections
Unlimited Sources Limit
Unlimited UDIDs per Whitelist
Brand and advertisements removed
Link your domain name
Convert your zip files to deb
Use our Theme Creator tool